My garden ~ Heal Yorself ! Talpe Temple School

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My garden

As the golden glow of the rising sun splashes its rays across the eastern sky, l sit in my garden on a cool October morning with a blanket of mist wrapped around me, reminiscing of the magical days of summer where this very garden was bustling with life.
With the birth of baby birds, the countless number of bees moving from flower to flower gathering sweet nectar, and the butterflies basking in the warm sun or flitting from flower to flower like tiny acrobats in the air, was a magical sight.
I spent many summer days in my little world - communicating with  nature, watching the flowers display an array of brilliant colours as they unfold their delicate petals, and the scent of the flowers and the new grass which will linger in my memory long after the season has passed.
My mind wanders off to the many birds, squirrels, and the occasional field mice who made their way to my garden to fill their tiny bellies, helping themselves to the never ending supply of food that was offered to them.
As the days grow colder I have a sense of sadness to see less and less critters who once kept my garden so full of life with their chirps and squeaks, and the trees shedding their leaves as they prepare for dormancy during the long harsh days of winter.
My precious little souls, you are indeed God's angels who are sent down to us to make the Earth a better place. Your mere existence on this planet gives us hope for a better tomorrow.
As  the  weather will  plunge into sub zero temperatures so will your little bodies which will go into a deep sleep as nature intended, giving you a much needed rest until we meet again next year where we will do it all over again celebrating the wonders of mother nature.
Soon it will be time to say goodbye to these glorious days and to welcome the frosty winter, realizing that this is what the circle of life is meant to be.

By Sherry
